Well, I made it to Cairns and went diving today on the Great Barrier Reef. The reef itself is almost 2000 miles long...it is huge..but Northern Australia is the best place to go out of and Cairns is the main point of departure for the dive boats. I was out on the Coral Sea all day today. I left about 8 AM and returned at 4 PM. I was able to do 3 different dives today. All the dives were on Thetford Reef, but in different locations. The first two were on what is call the horseshoe (because the way the reef is shaped at that point. The other dive was in the "canyons". It is called this because of the sharp walls and canyons that you dive through.
The reef was beautiful with lots of soft and hard corals. Many of the corals were huge and I saw brain coral, staghorn coral, and all kinds of soft corals that look like fans, ropes, and wigs! There is all kinds of marine life on the reef. I saw lots of reef fish including parrot fish, puffer fish, butterfly fish, and clown fish. There are huge anemone all over the reef.
It was about 88 degrees and sunny. It took about 90 mins to get out to the reef from the marina on a large boat. The water temperature was 28 C. What is that in farenheit? I dove to a depth of about 18 Meters. How much is that in feet? Each of the 3 dives lasted for 45-50 mins under water.
I have included some pictures of me under water and some picture of the things I saw today. I will be posting many more pictures tomorrow. I will be doing 3 dives again tomorrow at a different location about an hour North of here, so I will see all kinds of different stuff. Hope you enjoy the photos!
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