Monday, November 22, 2010

Gone Batty

So here are a few more pictures from Australia. Maybe I can come in one day this year and spend some time showing some of the others as I have many more. My final night I got to watch the bats come out at sundown...not hundreds or thousands, but millions!!! they all come out of the trees and fly in a group. It took over half an hour for them to all travel by! It was pretty amazing...So, they are so big they call them flying foxes there. They have about a 3 foot wingspan. Luckily they feed on fruit and flowers and not people!

Here is a famous landmark from Sydney also.

Have a Happpy Thanksgiving! It is so great to be back home with Isabela!

Hi HFS!!

Hi Everyone! Thanks for all your notes!

Maggie, my favorite fish had to the be the Barracuda. I saw a HUGE yellowtail barracuda getting cleaned by cleaner fish at a cleaning station on the reef. It was soooo cool. I was only about 8 feet away watching.

McCall- My favorite thing was to meet all the different people. I love meeting new people when traveling and learning about them. The people on Australia were so helpful.

Isabela- Sorry, never met you before.

Tr Peggy- The barramundi was great. And it was wrapped in bacon yummmmy.

Nina- The Hungry Jacks was exactly like Burger King! Whopper and all!

So, here are a couple of pictures of other interesting things in Australia..


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanks for the note Hadddonfield Friends School! I am happy you like the photos. I have lots more, so if there are any special requests just let me know.

Nina, the food is good here overall. Here is a picture of the Barramundi Fish that I ate last night. As you can see, I cleaned up. I will be posting a bunch more photos in the coming couple of days. I am flying from Cairns to Sydney tonight. I had to wait 24 hours before flying so I do not get "The bends". If you fly to soon, the nitrogen comes out of your tissues and causes bubbles in your blood, which can be extremely dangerous. I am fine now as it is after 24 hours.

A few more Dive pictures

Napolean Maori Wrasse about to take my head off! It was actually friendly!

That is me getting up and close with a Lion Fish

Another Day on the Reef

It was an awesome day on the reef today. The water was warm, calm, and clear. I saw lots of great stuff including reef sharks, barracuda, sting rays, and giant clams. I had to wear a stinger suit also. Stingers are dangerous invisible jellyfish that have 30 foot tentacles. If you get stung, you are in the hospital in tons of pain, or worse, some can die from the sting....So, of course I wore the suit :) Hope you enjoy these pictures from today.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010