Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Burger King???!!??!!

I spent some time walking around Melbourne after my meetings here. It is a very nice city. It has a mix of modern and older architecture. It is very clean and the people are very friendly here. Many of the same restaurants we see in the US are here including McDonalds, Starbucks, and KFC. However, Burger king is called “Hungry Jacks”. They have the same menu with whoppers and other stuff, just a different name of the chain here. Here is a picture of what it looks like. I stayed right downtown and it is a great walking city. They have lots of parks and walking paths along the river here. There is also a nice “boardwalk” along the bay (the boardwalk here is made out of cement). People are very active here with lots of outdoor stuff going on. You see lots of people out exercising all the time. There is also a big art scene here with lots of theaters, museums, and other productions.
I am flying to Cairns today from Melbourne. I have a stop in Brisbane, Australia. I just found out the time changes another hour ahead when I get to Cairns, so I will be 17 hours ahead of you. The weather in Cairns is much warmer as it will be about 90 degrees. It is much closer to the equator than Melbourne or Sydney. I will be spending the next 3 days in Cairns exploring the reef and local wildlife. I will be diving on the Great Barrier Reef all day tomorrow, so I hope to have some good pictures to post for you.

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