Thursday, November 18, 2010

A few more Dive pictures

Napolean Maori Wrasse about to take my head off! It was actually friendly!

That is me getting up and close with a Lion Fish


  1. Dr. Metz,

    We absolutely love the photos! The Great Barrier Reef is spectacular. We can't believe some of the unusual creatures you have photographed.

    We have read and responded to your blog, but it does not look as if our message went through. With some help and good luck, we will be replying to your great blog.

    Thanks for taking us along on your exciting adventure!

  2. Jim,
    Bob says to say it's too bad you missed the Eagles Redskins game last week and oh yeah you are going to miss the Eagles Giants game this week, but the picture look great.

  3. From Nana,
    Enjoy the remainder of your trip and it was good hearing from you. Please bring us back some of the good weather you are having.

  4. From Mom,
    Za says, "I wish I was on the Great Reef". Thank you for all the wonderful pictures of the fish and of yourself. Safe travels back.

  5. Uncle Jimmy,
    I like the fish pictures and waved to you but you didn't wave back. I believe the fish are real even though my dad says you scanned them from a book or post card. Be careful of the big fish and say 'Hi' to Nemo for me, also say 'Hi' to Aunt Maggie.
